A reminder for everyone that the 2022 AGM will be held at 3pm, Saturday, 12 November 2022, in the Board Room at National Hockey Pavilion, Mt Albert Road, Berhampore, Wellington.
We are calling for nominations for the Executive, including:
Women's, Men's and Junior representatives
General Executive Members
The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:-
To receive the Annual Report and Balance Sheet for the previous financial year of the Club.
To elect Officers.
To elect an Executive.
To appoint an Auditor.
To appoint Trustees
To consider and deal with any business of which notice of motion has been lodged by any member with the Secretary. This year it the following motions have been lodged:
That the Northern United Junior Hockey Club be amalgamated into the Club and its assets be accepted for use by the use of the junior teams of the Club.
Proposed by Sam French
That the Constitution presented to the Meeting be adopted in substitution for the current Constitution in its entirety.
Proposed by Sam French
That from 2023 season onwards, for Executive Committee Members, NUHC to pay a nominal payment for services and responsibility in running the Club. The purpose is to encourage applications, entice new people and skills to be found for the growth of the Club. Acknowledge the extensive time and effort involved in providing this voluntary effort. Respect for the personal time sacrifice and assistance with personal costs and increasing costs of hockey. This could be paid as per meeting attended or reduction in playing members subscriptions, based on personal circumstances.
Proposed by Ashley Drake
To consider any by-laws made by the Executive during the season for ratification
To make any recommendations for the administration of the Club.
To transact any general business which may arise.
A copy of the Treasurer's Report can be found here.
A copy of the Proposed Constitution can be found here.
The Prizegiving Function follow the AGM in the Pavilion Lounge